Secure Remote File Access Simplified

Simplify Remote Work with Secure File Sharing

Triofox offers a seamless, secure remote file sharing solution, eliminating VPN issues with easy access. It integrates with Azure Blob storage, supports Azure single sign-on, and ensures data security, enhancing productivity and streamlining workflows for remote work. Experience flexibility and robust security with Triofox.

Triofox revolutionizes remote work with its Remote File Server and File Sharing solution, eliminating VPN complexities. It offers seamless, secure access to files anywhere, integrating with Azure Blob storage for easy management and supporting Azure single sign-on for enhanced security. Ideal for large file handling, task automation, and global collaboration, Triofox boosts productivity, secures data, and simplifies workflows, offering flexibility and robust security for working from any location. Transform your remote work with Triofox.


In today's digital-first environment, businesses face significant hurdles in remote file access and sharing. The complexity of VPNs, security vulnerabilities, and the inefficiency of traditional file-sharing methods are just the tip of the iceberg. These challenges not only hinder productivity but also pose risks to data security, making it imperative for businesses to seek a streamlined solution.

VPN Complexities

Setting up and managing VPNs for remote access is often complex and time-consuming, leading to operational inefficiencies.

Security Vulnerabilities

Traditional file-sharing methods expose businesses to security risks, including data breaches and unauthorized access.

Inefficient Collaboration

The lack of real-time access and collaboration on documents can significantly slow down project timelines and productivity.

Data Management Challenges

Managing and controlling file access across multiple platforms and locations is cumbersome, increasing the risk of data sprawl.

Addressing these challenges demands a solution that streamlines remote file access while guaranteeing strong security and facilitating smooth collaboration.

Existing Solutions and Their Limitations

In the quest for efficient remote file server and file sharing solutions, businesses often encounter a landscape riddled with limitations. Existing solutions, while numerous, frequently fall short in meeting the nuanced needs of modern enterprises, particularly those operating in fully remote or hybrid environments. The challenges range from cumbersome setups to inadequate security measures, each acting as a barrier to seamless remote work.

Complex VPN Dependencies

Competitors like Jungle Disk and traditional VPN setups necessitate complex configurations, hindering ease of access and posing significant security risks.

Inadequate Integration

Solutions such as Ignite and SharePoint struggle with seamless integration with Azure Blob storage, complicating data management and compliance with standards like HIPAA.

Limited File Access Control

Many existing solutions fail to offer granular file-level access control, a critical requirement for businesses needing to safeguard sensitive information.

Subpar User Experience

Services like OneDrive, Dropbox, and Box often present challenges in user experience, particularly in handling large files or ensuring efficient global collaboration.


Triofox enhances remote work by streamlining secure, seamless access to files from any location, integrating smoothly with Azure Blob storage, supporting Azure single sign-on, and providing advanced security features for efficient remote collaboration and large file management.

Simplified Remote Access

Eliminate VPN complexities with Triofox's web-based access, offering a seamless experience for accessing remote files, enhancing productivity and operational efficiency.

Enhanced Security

Secure your data with advanced features like two-factor authentication and ransomware protection, ensuring peace of mind for remote teams accessing sensitive information.

Seamless Collaboration

Facilitate global teamwork with real-time file sharing and co-editing capabilities, supported by Office 365 integration, boosting productivity and project timelines.

Effortless Integration

Leverage seamless integration with Azure Blob storage for easy data management and compliance, supported by Azure single sign-on for a unified user experience.

Enhance your remote work capabilities with Triofox. Achieve secure, streamlined, and faster file access and sharing.

Embrace the future of remote work with Triofox. Discover how our secure, simplified file access transforms productivity across industries.

Deployment Option #1

Hybrid Local File Servers

Gladinet enables seamless file server integration with support for Windows 2016/2019/2022, offering indirect & direct connection options and flexible access.

Deployment Option #2

File Servers with Direct Cloud Access

Gladinet provides a direct file access solution from remote devices and mobile devices.

Join the revolution: Secure, seamless file access anywhere, no VPN needed!

Cloud Drive Mapping

Drive mapping is an important feature for online file access. End users can easily drag and drop files and folders from a set of mapped drives over the Internet without a VPN connection.

Global File Locking

File locking is a vital feature for online file access and team collaboration to avoid conflicts. End users need to control global concurrent online file access by using file locking to maintain consistency.

Secure Mobile Access

Have you spent many hours troubleshooting VPN connections? Have both your staff and IT support team lost productivity due to downed VPN connections? VPNs are complicated; there is a better way!

How It Works

Triofox revolutionizes remote work by integrating traditional file servers with the agility of the cloud, offering secure and simplified file access from anywhere. This solution removes the need for complex VPN setups, allows for straightforward management through Azure Blob storage integration, and enhances security with Azure single sign-on support, thereby streamlining remote file management, automating tasks, and facilitating secure global collaboration.


Simplified Access

Provides a mapped drive over HTTPS, enabling direct, intuitive file access from any PC, Mac, or mobile device without the need for VPNs, simplifying remote work.


Secure Collaboration

Enhances security with two-factor authentication, automatic account lockout, and endpoint security control, ensuring data protection while facilitating seamless teamwork.


Azure Integration

Integrates smoothly with Azure Blob storage for easy file management and supports Azure single sign-on, streamlining user authentication and enhancing security.


Office 365 Compatibility

Offers seamless Office 365 integration, allowing for real-time co-editing and co-authoring of documents, boosting productivity and efficiency in collaborative efforts.


Disaster Recovery

Utilizes cloud storage services as a backup repository, providing version control, file change history, and audit tracing for robust disaster recovery and compliance support.

Our Recent Case Studies

Transforming Clinical Research with Triofox

A healthcare innovator revolutionized clinical trial data management by adopting Triofox, overcoming challenges in data storage, access, and security. This transition enabled seamless integration with cloud storage, eliminating the need for cumbersome VPNs and enhancing operational efficiency. The solution not only met compliance with health data protection standards but also supported the company's fully remote model, setting a new benchmark in secure, scalable remote clinical research. This case underscores the importance of tailored solutions in advancing clinical research methodologies and operational excellence.

Revolutionizing Remote File Management

A leading marketing company transformed its operational efficiency by adopting Triofox, overcoming challenges in remote file access and management. This strategic move enabled seamless, secure access to large media files, enhancing productivity among remote teams and reducing operational costs. The implementation of Triofox not only streamlined workflows but also fortified data security, setting a new industry standard for remote file management. This case study exemplifies the transformative power of digital solutions in addressing complex operational challenges and driving business success.

Elevate Your Workflow with Advanced Solutions

Dive deeper into our innovative solutions designed to revolutionize your business operations. From seamless CAD file sharing to integrating network drives with cloud storage, and strategies to reduce cloud storage costs - discover how our tailored solutions can transform your workflow. Explore now and take the first step towards operational excellence.

Cloud CAD Collaboration

Share, Manage CAD Files Effortlessly Anywhere

Seamless Cloud Integration

Merging Local Drives with Cloud Innovation

Slash Cloud Costs

Maximize Efficiency, Minimize Expenses Globally

What Our Users Say

In a world where seamless remote working is not just a luxury, but a necessity, hear from those who have made the switch to Triofox and have not looked back. Our users, from system administrators to CIOs, share their success stories and provide real-world insights into how Triofox has transformed their remote file access and sharing capabilities.

Transforming Remote Work

Before Triofox, our team struggled with VPN complexities and security concerns. Now, accessing files remotely is as simple and secure as if we were in the office. Triofox has not only enhanced our productivity but also significantly reduced our IT support tickets.

IT Director

Security and Compliance

The ransomware protection and seamless Office 365 integration were game-changers for us. We're now more confident than ever in our data's security, and compliance has become a breeze.

System Administrator

Simplifying IT Infrastructure

Triofox's mapped drive over HTTPS simplified our remote access setup immensely. It's incredible how much time and resources we've saved, all while providing a superior experience for our remote workforce.

Chief Information Officer

Frequently Asked Questions: All You Need to Know

Yes, Triofox can integrate with Azure Active Directory for single sign-on, allowing users to access the system with their Azure credentials.

Triofox enhances collaboration by providing features like file locking and change notifications, allowing teams to work together seamlessly on documents and projects without the risk of overwriting each other's work.

Yes, Triofox supports mapping drives over HTTPS, providing users with a familiar and intuitive file access experience directly from their PC, Mac, or mobile device.

Yes, Triofox eliminates the need for complex VPN setups by offering secure, web-based access to remote files, enhancing security and simplifying the user experience.

Triofox offers version control and disaster recovery options, allowing administrators to set versioning thresholds and recover files in case of deletion or ransomware attacks. It uses intelligent caching to manage file access and changes efficiently.

Yes, Triofox offers seamless Office 365 integration, enabling real-time co-editing and co-authoring of documents, which significantly boosts productivity and efficiency.

Yes, Triofox can integrate with existing DFS shares and EMC Isilon, fetching all information and permissions directly from these sources to facilitate remote file access.

Triofox uses cloud storage services as a backup repository and provides version control, a history of file changes, and audit tracing to ensure business continuity and help with regulatory compliance.


We are ready to help.

Contact us to discuss what your organization needs in regards to
deploy a secure remote access and file sharing solution.
We'll provide you with best practices, product expertise, reference design, demo and support right away!

  • RemoteAccess/
  • Secure Sharing/
  • Secure File Sharing /
  • Streamline Workflows, Enhance Security, Boost Productivity

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