External Sharing with Security

Secure, Customizable File Sharing Without VPNs: Enhance Collaboration with Peace of Mind.

Our 'External Sharing with Security' feature integrates with Triofox and CentreStack, offering secure, customizable file sharing without a VPN. It enhances productivity and security for global collaboration and sensitive data sharing, meeting IT and system administrator needs.

In today's digital landscape, businesses like yours face the critical challenge of sharing files externally without compromising security. Our 'External Sharing with Security' feature is your solution. Designed for seamless integration with Triofox and CentreStack, it offers secure, controlled file sharing directly from your existing infrastructure - no VPN needed. Customize access levels, from read-only to password-protected shares, ensuring compliance and peace of mind. Whether you're collaborating across the globe or sharing sensitive data with clients, our solution enhances productivity while maintaining the utmost security. Embrace simplicity, security, and efficiency in external collaborations with our advanced feature, tailored to meet the rigorous demands of IT departments and system administrators. Let's redefine secure external sharing together.


In today's interconnected world, businesses face the daunting challenge of sharing files externally without sacrificing security. Navigating this landscape requires a delicate balance between accessibility and protection, often leaving IT departments in a quandary. The complexities of modern IT infrastructure, combined with the imperative need for compliance and the inefficiencies of traditional VPN solutions, underscore the urgency of this issue.

Complex IT Environments

Managing multiple servers, permissions, and shares complicates secure external sharing, increasing administrative overhead and potential security risks.

Compliance and Security

Ensuring compliance while sharing files externally is a tightrope walk, with the lack of auditing and reporting capabilities adding to the challenge.

Inefficient Collaboration

Traditional VPNs introduce inefficiencies in external collaboration, leading to operational bottlenecks and hindering productivity.

Security Vulnerabilities

The absence of secure, controlled file sharing options exposes businesses to significant security risks, including potential data breaches.

Acknowledging these challenges marks the initial phase in enhancing secure external sharing protocols. Let us progress collaboratively.


Enhance your external file sharing capabilities with 'External Sharing with Security'. This feature elevates collaboration by providing seamless integration and robust security, ensuring compliance without the complexities associated with traditional VPNs. Enjoy simplified sharing with the assurance of security.

Seamless Integration

Integrates flawlessly with existing infrastructure like DFS and AWS S3, eliminating the need for complex setup or additional hardware.

Robust Security

Offers customizable access levels, including read-only and password-protected shares, ensuring your data remains secure against unauthorized access.

Enhanced Compliance

Built-in auditing and reporting capabilities make compliance effortless, providing detailed insights into user activities and file access.

Efficient Collaboration

Facilitates secure, controlled file sharing with external parties, enhancing productivity without compromising security or requiring a VPN.

Enhance your external sharing capabilities by integrating advanced security measures for improved efficiency and collaboration.

Empower your organization with secure, seamless file sharing. Discover how our solution elevates collaboration without compromising security.

Deployment Option #1

Hybrid Local File Servers

Gladinet enables seamless file server integration with support for Windows 2016/2019/2022, offering indirect & direct connection options and flexible access.

Deployment Option #2

File Servers with Direct Cloud Access

Gladinet provides a direct file access solution from remote devices and mobile devices.

Join the forefront of secure, VPN-free external sharing. Discover how now.

Cloud Drive Mapping

Drive mapping is an important feature for online file access. End users can easily drag and drop files and folders from a set of mapped drives over the Internet without a VPN connection.

Global File Locking

File locking is a vital feature for online file access and team collaboration to avoid conflicts. End users need to control global concurrent online file access by using file locking to maintain consistency.

Secure Mobile Access

Have you spent many hours troubleshooting VPN connections? Have both your staff and IT support team lost productivity due to downed VPN connections? VPNs are complicated; there is a better way!

How It Works

Our 'External Sharing with Security' feature transforms external collaboration by removing the need for VPNs, offering a secure, manageable file-sharing environment with customizable access levels. This not only ensures compliance and peace of mind but also integrates smoothly with your existing infrastructure, boosting productivity and security.


Seamless Integration

Integrates directly with your existing DFS environments and cloud storage solutions like AWS S3, ensuring a smooth transition and immediate enhancement of your file-sharing capabilities.


Customizable Access

Offers various access levels, including read-only and password-protected shares, allowing you to control who can view or edit files, ensuring security and compliance.


No VPN Required

Eliminates the complexity and inefficiency of VPN setups, providing secure access through HTTPS, simplifying external sharing while maintaining high security standards.


Built-in Auditing

Features comprehensive auditing and reporting capabilities, enabling you to track modifications, access, and deletions of shared files, enhancing security and accountability.


Secure Collaboration

Facilitates secure, efficient collaboration with external parties, including clients and partners, without compromising on security, through a web server setup requiring only port 443 for external access.


Cost-Effective Solution

Provides a secure and controlled file-sharing environment without the additional expenses of complex permissions management or traditional VPN solutions, making it a cost-effective choice for your business.

Our Recent Case Studies

Revolutionizing Utility Operations with Triofox

A leading utility company transformed its operational efficiency and security framework using Triofox, seamlessly integrating with existing IT infrastructure to enable secure, efficient file sharing and collaboration. This strategic partnership led to significant enhancements in data management processes, robust auditing capabilities, and the elimination of VPN-related issues, aligning with the company's sustainability and innovation goals. The case exemplifies Triofox's ability to address complex challenges in the utilities sector, setting a new standard for secure, customizable file sharing solutions.

eLearning Secure Document Sharing Revolution

A leading eLearning provider transformed its operational efficiency and security framework by adopting a new cloud-based document sharing solution. This strategic move addressed critical challenges in security and user accessibility, integrating seamlessly with AWS S3 buckets for enhanced document management. The solution provided robust data protection, improved customer experience through user-friendly access, and streamlined operational processes. This success story highlights the importance of tailored technological solutions in overcoming industry-specific challenges, setting a new benchmark for secure, efficient document sharing in the eLearning sector.

Expand Your Digital Horizons

Dive deeper into our innovative solutions designed to elevate your business's digital landscape. From seamless offline work to advanced VPN alternatives and versatile storage options, discover how our features can transform your operational efficiency and data management. Explore now and unlock new possibilities.

Seamless Offline Productivity

Work Anywhere: Sync, Save, No Internet

Efficient Remote Access

Bypass VPN Hassles, Enhance Work Flexibility

Flexible Storage Solutions

Choose, Integrate, Scale: Your Data, Optimized

Frequently Asked Questions: All You Need to Know

Yes, Triofox can integrate with existing DFS shares, allowing for seamless external sharing while maintaining all existing NTFS permissions.

Triofox ensures security and compliance through customizable access levels, including read-only and password-protected options, eliminating complex permissions and additional expenses.

Yes, the external sharing feature of Triofox facilitates collaboration without the need for a VPN, making it easy and secure for external parties to access shared files.

Triofox honors NTFS permissions for file access and sharing. However, managing NTFS permissions directly through Triofox is not recommended and should be done at the NTFS or Active Directory level.

Yes, Triofox can generate real-time logs and auditing reports for shared files, capturing all user activities including file creation, modification, and deletion.

Yes, the system supports version control, allowing you to keep multiple versions of a document and restore previous versions if necessary.

Instead of just generating a link, the feature allows for password protection or guest account creation for file access, ensuring that the shared content is accessed only by the intended recipients.

Yes, the external sharing feature is designed to send files to customers or have customers send files in a secure method, ensuring that sensitive information is protected.


We are ready to help.

Contact us to discuss what your organization needs in regards to
deploy a secure remote access and file sharing solution.
We'll provide you with best practices, product expertise, reference design, demo and support right away!

  • Collaboration/
  • Secure Sharing/
  • Secure File Collaboration /
  • No VPN, Custom Access, Global Sharing

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