Data Storage and Retention Policies

Secure, Compliant Data Management with Customizable Storage and Retention Solutions

Triofox and CentreStack offer secure, compliant data management solutions, featuring customizable storage, flexible retention, and advanced permissions. Outperforming competitors like Citrix ShareFile, our services ensure data security and efficient management, providing peace of mind.

In today's digital landscape, your business faces the critical challenge of managing data securely while adhering to strict compliance standards. With Triofox and CentreStack, we offer a solution that not only secures your data but ensures it's managed in compliance with necessary standards, offering you peace of mind. Our Data Storage and Retention Policies feature provides customizable storage solutions, flexible retention policies, and advanced permission settings, tailored to meet your unique data management needs. This ensures your data is not only secure but also efficiently managed, setting us apart from competitors like Citrix ShareFile. Choose our solutions for a secure, compliant, and efficient data management system.


In the digital age, businesses face the daunting task of managing data securely while adhering to evolving compliance standards. The absence of a comprehensive system that addresses these requirements leaves businesses grappling with security vulnerabilities, regulatory non-compliance, and inefficiencies in data management. This challenge is compounded by the need for tailored storage solutions that can adapt to unique data management needs, ensuring both security and compliance.

Security Vulnerabilities

Without robust data storage and retention policies, businesses risk exposing sensitive data to security breaches, undermining trust and integrity.

Regulatory Non-Compliance

Navigating the complex landscape of compliance standards without tailored policies leads to potential legal and financial repercussions.

Inefficient Data Management

The lack of a comprehensive system results in inefficiencies, with businesses struggling to manage, access, and utilize their data effectively.

Customization Limitations

Existing solutions often fall short in offering the flexibility needed to meet specific data storage and management requirements, hindering operational efficiency.

Recognizing these challenges is essential for effective data security and management. Explore our solutions tailored to tackle these crucial problems.


Enhance your data management with our Data Storage and Retention Policies, designed for optimal security, compliance, and efficiency. Tailored to meet your specific needs, our solution overcomes traditional system limitations by providing a customizable, secure, and compliant framework.

Customized Security

Tailor your data storage with advanced permission settings, ensuring only the right eyes access sensitive information, enhancing security.

Compliance Confidence

Navigate regulatory landscapes with ease. Our flexible retention policies ensure your data management practices are always in compliance.

Operational Efficiency

Streamline data access and management with our customizable solutions, reducing inefficiencies and boosting productivity.

Peace of Mind

Rest assured knowing your data is managed securely and in compliance with necessary standards, offering you complete control.

Explore the transformation in data management with our Data Storage and Retention Policies. Opt for Triofox for a solution that is secure, compliant, and enhances efficiency.

Elevate your data management to new heights with Triofox and CentreStack's secure, compliant solutions. Discover the difference today.

Deployment Option #1

Hybrid Local File Servers

Gladinet enables seamless file server integration with support for Windows 2016/2019/2022, offering indirect & direct connection options and flexible access.

Deployment Option #2

File Servers with Direct Cloud Access

Gladinet provides a direct file access solution from remote devices and mobile devices.

Unlock Customized Data Management: Secure, Compliant, and Tailored to Your Needs!

Cloud Drive Mapping

Drive mapping is an important feature for online file access. End users can easily drag and drop files and folders from a set of mapped drives over the Internet without a VPN connection.

Global File Locking

File locking is a vital feature for online file access and team collaboration to avoid conflicts. End users need to control global concurrent online file access by using file locking to maintain consistency.

Secure Mobile Access

Have you spent many hours troubleshooting VPN connections? Have both your staff and IT support team lost productivity due to downed VPN connections? VPNs are complicated; there is a better way!

How It Works

Our Data Storage and Retention Policies guarantee secure, compliant, and efficient data management for your business. Utilizing Triofox and CentreStack, we provide customizable solutions tailored to meet your specific needs, distinguishing our offerings from competitors such as Citrix ShareFile. This section explores the operational mechanics in detail, ensuring you have a comprehensive understanding of how our solutions benefit you.


Customizable Policies

Tailor data retention policies to meet regulatory compliance and manage storage efficiently, ensuring your data is secure and accessible when needed.


Flexible Storage

Choose from a variety of storage solutions that best fit your data volume, security requirements, and access needs, all within our secure framework.


Advanced Permissions

Control who accesses your data with granular permissions, enhancing security while maintaining operational efficiency and data integrity.


Data Synchronization

Ensure data integrity and availability across devices with seamless synchronization, allowing for real-time access and collaboration.

Our Recent Case Studies

Transforming Efficiency in Digital Workspaces

A technology service provider revolutionized its operational efficiency and cost management by implementing our advanced file management and synchronization solution. Facing challenges with their previous system's steep price and inefficiencies, they sought a solution that offered seamless integration and superior functionality without the complexity. Our tailored approach not only met but exceeded their expectations, resulting in significant operational improvements, reduced administrative burdens, and considerable cost savings. This partnership highlights our commitment to delivering customized solutions that drive digital transformation and operational excellence across industries.

Unlock Next-Level Data Management

Dive deeper into our innovative features designed to revolutionize your data management experience. From ensuring document security with Global File Locking to optimizing remote access with HTTPS Streaming, discover how our solutions can elevate your business's efficiency and security. Explore now for a seamless, future-ready operation.

Secure Collaboration Lock

Prevent Conflicts, Enhance Workflow Efficiency

Efficient Local Caching

Instant Access, Offline Sync, Enhanced Productivity

Secure Remote Access

Fast, Efficient File Sharing Without VPNs

Frequently Asked Questions: All You Need to Know

Our products ensure client data security, meet compliance, and offer tailored storage solutions for data management needs. This includes customizable retention policies to safeguard data integrity and facilitate compliance with regulatory standards.

Permissions can be configured to control access levels for different users in Triofox and CentreStack, ensuring that sensitive information is only accessible to authorized personnel.

Yes, Triofox and CentreStack allow for secure external sharing, ensuring that data remains protected while facilitating collaboration.

Triofox and CentreStack provide robust data backup and recovery solutions, ensuring that data can be easily restored in the event of loss or corruption.

Yes, Triofox and CentreStack's data storage and retention policies include options for automated data deletion, allowing clients to comply with legal and regulatory requirements for data retention.


We are ready to help.

Contact us to discuss what your organization needs in regards to
deploy a secure remote access and file sharing solution.
We'll provide you with best practices, product expertise, reference design, demo and support right away!

  • Compliance/
  • Secure Storage/
  • Customizable Data Management /
  • Secure, Flexible Solutions for Data Compliance

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